**Please note that this article touches on certain functionality that is only available to FastRecruit with premium feature add-on or FastRecruit Connect subscribers. Please contact our sales team to learn more [email protected].**
FastRecruit subscribers with premium features have access to the Task feature which allows you to assign Tasks to yourself or other coaches. Tasks are meant to remind coaches to complete important activities such as texting a recruit to congratulate them on a big victory or reaching out to an AAU coach to ask some additional questions. Tasks can be managed from both the web portal and the mobile app. This article will cover Tasks on the web portal.
All FastRecruit users can document the last time you contacted each recruit. This will help identify recruits that you haven't touched base with in a while and prioritize your communications.
Creating Tasks:
Users can create new tasks either from the recruit's profile or the recruit tab.
1. To add a task through the recruit profile, click on the tasks tab in the recruit profile. Next select, select the plus symbol.
2. To add a task from the Recruit Tab. Click the recruit tab, then select the Tasks tab and the Add task.

In the Add Task window, enter the following information, then click Save.
- Recruit: If the Task is specific to a recruit, search for them here. Leave this field blank if the task is not specific to a recruit. This field is optional.
- Assigned To: Select the coach to who this Task should be assigned to. This is a required field.
- Date: Select the due date for this Task. This is a required field.
- Due Time: Select the due time for this Task. This field is optional. Due time will default to 12:00 AM if no time is specified.
- Instruction: Enter the details of the Task. This is a required field.
Once your task is saved, the task number of tasks due will appear in parentheses.
Completing Tasks:
1. In the Tasks menu, you'll see 4 tabs listed across the top: Due, Assigned, All Staff & Complete:
- Due: Will show any Tasks assigned to you
- Assigned: Will show any Tasks you have created and assigned, including Tasks you assigned to yourself
- All Staff: Will show any outstanding Tasks assigned to any coach on staff
- Complete: Will show any completed Tasks by any coach on staff
Editing Task
To edit a task, hover over the task and click on the three-dot. When you click on the dot, you will see a menu like the one below. You have the option to mark the Task as completed or to edit the details of the Task. If you created the Task, you'll also have the option to delete the Task.
Documenting Last Contacted:
From the Recruit's Profile or Recruits tab. You will see a column labeled Set Last Contact on the recruit list or the Last Contacted label Set from the Recruit Profile.
When you select Mark Tasks Completed, you'll see a pop-up like the one below prompting you to document your recent contact with the recruit. We recommend clicking Set Last Contact if you did indeed interact with the recruit.
Selecting Set Last Contact, you'll see a pop-up like the one below. Here you can document the details of your interaction. Documenting this interaction will help you track compliance, as well as keep track of which recruits you haven't contacted in a while.
To Edit
Click the Note tab and hover over to select the pen icon at the far right.
You'll see a pop-up like the one below, here you can edit or delete Last Contacted

You can then sort your recruit list by the Last Contacted column simply by clicking on the column header. This will help you identify who you haven't contacted in a while.